1.9 Million Displaced as Israel Intensifies Gaza Bombardment, Death Toll Surpasses 37,925

Tue Jul 02 2024
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GAZA: The United Nations’ humanitarian coordinator for Gaza, Sigrid Kaag, on Tuesday warned that the ongoing Israeli bombardment has now displaced 1.9 million people in the besieged Palestinian territory. Kaag expressed deep concern over reports of new evacuation orders from southern Gaza’s Khan Younis and Rafah areas, underscoring the dire humanitarian situation.

Speaking at the UN Security Council, Kaag painted a grim picture of the suffering endured by Palestinian civilians in Gaza. “Over 1 million people have been displaced once again, desperately seeking shelter and safety,” she stated. “Palestinian civilians in Gaza have been plunged into an abyss of suffering. Their homes life shattered, and their lives upended. The war has not only created a profound humanitarian crisis but has unleashed a maelstrom of human misery,” Kaag added.

Kaag emphasized the urgent need for increased humanitarian aid, lamenting that current efforts are falling short of meeting the overwhelming needs of the population. She called for the immediate reopening of new crossings, particularly to southern Gaza, to avert what she termed as an impending humanitarian disaster.

Meanwhile, medical personnel and patients hastily evacuated Gaza’s European Hospital in Khan Younis following Israeli army orders to nearby residents to leave. Rik Peeperkorn, WHO Representative for the occupied Palestinian territories, expressed grave concern over the situation, noting that only three patients remained in the virtually deserted hospital.

Meanwhile, the Gaza health ministry reported that at least 37,925 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed in the ongoing Israeli bombardment since the start of Israel’s offensive on October 7, with 25 fatalities occurring in the past 24 hours alone. The ministry also documented 87,141 injuries sustained during the prolonged conflict.

International observers and analysts have condemned Israel’s evacuation orders, viewing them as part of a strategy to exhaust and displace the Palestinian population rather than achieve strategic military objectives. Luciano Zaccara, a professor at Qatar University’s Gulf Studies Center, criticized Israel’s approach, stating, “This demonstrates their inability to achieve their goals and their intent to exhaust the population.”

Meanwhile, the UN reported that Israeli authorities obstructed more than half of the planned humanitarian aid deliveries to northern Gaza in June. Stephane Dujarric, spokesperson to the UN Secretary-General, highlighted the severe challenges in aid distribution due to security concerns and fuel shortages, exacerbating the plight of displaced Palestinians lacking adequate shelter and critical supplies.

Aid distribution through the Kerem Shalom crossing was “nearly impossible” due to security and fuel shortages, he added.

Medical teams have begun evacuating patients and medical equipment from Gaza European Hospital to mitigate risks posed by potential Israeli raids. Displaced people around the hospital dismantled their shelters and moved to alternative locations upon receiving evacuation orders earlier in the day.

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