14 Syrian Soldiers Killed in Islamic State Atack Near Palmyra City

Tue Jan 09 2024
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BEIRUT: 14 Syrian soldiers were killed as the Islamic State group attacked a military bus in the Syrian desert on Tuesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported.

The assault occurred near the ancient city of Palmyra, where the Islamic State targeted a military bus, resulting in the death of 14 members of the regime forces. Several others were wounded.

Just last week, the Islamic State executed a similar attack, killing nine Syrian government troops and militiamen in an assault on military posts situated in the eastern desert.

Islamic State Attacks in Syria

The British-based monitor has been documenting the ongoing activities of the group, which has maintained its capacity to launch attacks on troops and other government targets, primarily from desert hideouts where its fighters regrouped after losing their last piece of territory in Syria in March 2019.

The Islamic State’s ability to continue such attacks underscores the challenges faced by security forces in eliminating the group entirely. The group has exploited the vast and remote desert terrain to stage deadly assaults, posing a continued threat despite the territorial losses suffered in recent years.

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