33 Pakistani Students Graduate After Completing China’s Three Gorges Scholarship Program

Tue Jan 23 2024
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BEIJING: Two cohorts comprising 33 Pakistani students each successfully concluded their education through a scholarship initiative sponsored by China Three Gorges Corporation. Currently, 13 of these graduates have secured positions at the Karot Hydropower Plant.

The scholarship program, initiated in 2017, is a pioneering effort by Chinese enterprises in Pakistan, with CTG committing a minimum of USD 1 million to support 100 students with comprehensive scholarships. The program, incorporating a ‘2+2’ collaborative education model, entails the initial two years at the University of Punjab and the subsequent two years at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology (JUST).

The CTG-Pakistan Program, aligned with the Belt and Road initiative and the development of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, underscores CTG’s active participation in these strategic projects. The recent CTG-Pakistan relocation scholarship stage acceptance symposium was held at JUST, highlighting the program’s commitment to long-term planning and fostering academic excellence.

According to media reports, the scholarship’s overarching goal is to empower Pakistani students, fulfill their educational aspirations, and contribute to the advancement of clean energy initiatives.

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