58,000 Foreign Students Enrolment and Healthcare Compliance in Kyrgyzstan

Mon May 27 2024
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BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan: During a recent session of the Parliament’s Committee on Social Policy, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Rasulbek Abazbek uulu provided insights into the significant presence of foreign students within Kyrgyzstan’s educational institutions.

Abazbek uulu revealed that an impressive total of 58,600 foreign citizens are currently enrolled in universities across the country, contributing to the rich multicultural fabric of Kyrgyzstan’s academic landscape.

Highlighting the composition of this student demographic, Abazbek uulu noted that the vast majority hail from CIS countries, reflecting the strong educational ties and regional partnerships within the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Specifically, approximately 24,000 foreign students, primarily from non-CIS nations, are pursuing their academic endeavors in medical universities, underscoring Kyrgyzstan’s status as a preferred destination for medical education among international students.

Addressing concerns related to healthcare compliance among foreign students, Abazbek uulu emphasized the Ministry of Education and Science’s proactive efforts to raise awareness about the compulsory health insurance law.

To this end, the ministry conducted 50 explanatory events aimed at educating foreign students about their obligations under the law. Instances of non-compliance were addressed sternly, with some universities enforcing restrictions on students lacking medical insurance, including the denial of exam privileges.

Regarding the cost of compulsory medical insurance, Abazbek uulu informed the committee that the mandatory fee has undergone revisions to enhance accessibility for foreign students. Initially set at 16,000 soms, the insurance premium has been reduced to 11,990 soms, reflecting the government’s commitment to facilitating affordable healthcare coverage for all foreign citizens studying in Kyrgyzstan.

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