6.0-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes 237 km SSW of ‘Ohonua, Tonga: USGS

Sat Jun 17 2023
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HONG KONG: A 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck 237 kilometers south-southwest of ‘Ohonua, Tonga, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). The seismic event occurred at 11:26:21 GMT on Saturday, rattling the region and prompting concerns about potential damage and aftershocks.

The epicenter of the earthquake was initially determined to be at a depth of 35.0 kilometers, located at approximately 23.4419 degrees south latitude and 175.4278 degrees west longitude. The precise location of the quake places it in the vicinity of ‘Ohonua, a town on the island of Tongatapu in Tonga.

Authorities Monitoring Earthquake Situation

Authorities are closely monitoring the situation and assessing the impact of the earthquake. As of now, there have been no immediate reports of casualties or significant damage. However, the powerful tremor could have caused localized shaking and minor disruptions in the affected area.

Earthquakes are not uncommon in the Pacific region, which falls along the Pacific Ring of Fire, known for its high seismic activity. The Ring of Fire encompasses a vast area where tectonic plates meet, resulting in frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

The USGS continues to gather data and analyze the seismic event to provide further insights into its magnitude and potential consequences. Residents in the region are advised to remain vigilant and follow any instructions or guidelines issued by local authorities regarding safety precautions.

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