OIC General Secretariat Attends Second Kazan Global Youth Summit

Wed Aug 30 2023
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JEDDAH: The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) participated in the Second Kazan Global Youth Summit hosted by the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. The event, held from August 27 to 30, 2023, focused on the theme “The role of traditional values in the education of children and youth in the modern world.”

The OIC General Secretariat participated in the summit on the invitation extended by Rustam Minnikhanov, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. Mr. Boubakary Maiga, Head of the Youth and Sports Department, represented the OIC and conveyed the organization’s statement. He commended President Rustam Minnikhanov’s efforts to strengthen ties between the Russian Federation and the Muslim world, particularly as the Head of the Russia-Islamic World Strategic Vision Group.

Significance of Kazan Global Youth Summit

During the summit, Mr. Maiga underscored the OIC’s support for the Republic of Tatarstan’s initiatives aimed at youth empowerment and sports development. He highlighted the significance of the annual Kazan Global Youth Summit, which brings together representatives from governments, youth-focused institutions, and youth organizations to collaboratively address challenges faced by young people. Mr. Maiga assured that the OIC General Secretariat is committed to implementing the summit’s recommendations through coordination with relevant OIC organs and institutions, in cooperation with Tatarstan.

President Rustam Minnikhanov met with ministers and delegation heads participating in the summit. He expressed his appreciation for the OIC’s emphasis on youth empowerment and sports development, particularly its establishment of a dedicated department for youth and sports within the General Secretariat. The President informed the attendees that Kazan is set to host two significant global events: one on youth empowerment in March 2024 and another on sports in 2025. He urged the OIC General Secretariat to encourage active participation by OIC Member States in these initiatives.

The Second Kazan Global Youth Summit witnessed the participation of representatives from over thirty countries, including ministers and government officials, along with OIC organs and institutions, international and regional youth empowerment organizations, academic institutions, experts, researchers, and representatives from the private sector.

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