Biden Calls for National Unity as US Marks 9/11 Anniversary

Tue Sep 12 2023
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New York: US President Joe Biden has stressed upon the need to form national unity as the United States observed the 22nd anniversary of 9/11 terrorist attack, Western media reported on Monday.

Ceremonies were held in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania while names of nearly 3,000 people were read out on the occasion.

9/11 anniversary observed

Speaking at a US military base in Anchorage, Alaska, Biden said September 11 should be honored by renewing our faith in one another.

He added that the American nation must never lose its sense of national unity.

Addressing in front of a huge flag, Biden said that terrorism, including political and ideological violence, must be condemned.

His speech comes at a time when the United States is increasingly polarized, and Biden, a Democrat, is running for re-election next year against Republican former president Donald Trump.

Trump has been indicted four times since April, for attempts to overturn the 2020 election results and attack on Capitol Hill by his supporters.

Vice President Kamala Harris and current and former mayors joined families of the victims’ of 9/11 incident at the site of the World Trade Center twin towers struck and brought down by two aircraft flown by hijackers.

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On the occasion, the names of the more than 2,600 who died in New York were read out by family members and young relatives.

Another ceremony was held at the Pentagon in Washington, where the attackers struck a third aircraft into the headquarters of the US military.

While in western Pennsylvania, where a fourth hijacked plane heading toward Washington was forced to crash a memorial ceremony was also held.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in his speech said September 11 had put America into a war where hundreds of thousands stepped up to serve the US in uniform.



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