Brazil’s Lula Calls for ‘Dialogue’ to Achieve Peace in Ukraine

Tue Sep 19 2023
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UNITED NATIONS: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva addressed the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, emphasizing the need for negotiations to bring an end to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Lula expressed his belief that “no solution will be lasting if it is not based on dialogue.” He remarked, “I have reiterated that work needs to be done to create space for negotiations,” underlining the importance of diplomatic efforts.

During his speech, Lula also pointed out a significant global issue, stating, “A lot is invested in weapons and very little in development.” His words resonated with the audience as they highlighted the need to prioritize peaceful resolutions over militarization.

Brazilian President to Meet Ukrainian President

President Lula is scheduled to meet his Ukrainian counterpart, President Volodymyr Zelensky, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Their meeting comes amid tensions between the two leaders, fueled by differing stances on the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Earlier attempts at arranging a one-on-one meeting between Zelensky and Lula during the G7 summit in Japan in May were unsuccessful.

Relations have been strained between the Ukrainian and Brazilian leaders, with Lula maintaining a position that has drawn criticism from Western nations. He has refrained from imposing sanctions on Russia or providing military support to Ukraine, asserting that Zelensky shares responsibility for the war with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Lula has pursued a role for Brazil as a potential mediator in the Ukraine conflict, aligning with other “neutral” nations such as China, India, and Indonesia in seeking a peaceful resolution.

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