Australia Rejects Asylum Requests of 50,000 Afghans

Wed Sep 20 2023
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CANBERRA: The Australian government announced on Tuesday that it rejected the asylum requests of 50,000 Afghans who had applied for a humanitarian visa in Australia.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation said that out of 208,000 asylum requests made by the people of Afghanistan from 2021 until now, about 50,000 requests have been rejected by the government of Australia.

Australia Rejects Asylum Requests of 50,000 Afghans

It added that after the fall of Kabul in August 2021, around 208,000 citizens of Afghanistan have applied for humanitarian visas in Australia to flee the Taliban government.

However, the government of Australia has rejected 50,000 visa requests for humanitarian causes, leaving 144,000 others applicants pending.

The development comes at a time when members of the Afghan community in Australia have expressed concerns regarding the high rejection rate of humanitarian visa requests and have called for withdrawing the decision.

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Members of the Afghan community expressed their disappointment at the high number of humanitarian visa rejections and asked the government of Australia to reconsider the decisions and issue visas to asylum seekers.

After the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan, many Afghans sought asylum in several countries, including Canada, Australia, Europe, and the US.


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