New York: APPNA Delegation Calls on PM Kakar

Fri Sep 22 2023
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NEW YORK: Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has appreciated the Association of Physicians of Pakistani-descent of North America (APPNA) for its social welfare, educational and medical relief missions and programmes in Pakistan.

A delegation of APPNA, led by its President Dr. Arshad Rehan, called on the prime minister on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session in New York on Thursday.

During the meeting, the PM lauded President APPNA Dr. Arshad Rehan for the association’s positive role in spearheading the message of solidarity and unity among Pakistani-American community.

He invited APPNA to invest in medical and para-medical education, health tourism, training and skill development sectors in Pakistan.

He reiterated that more than one million strong Pakistani-Americans were an asset for Pakistan and their contribution in the national development was fully recognized.

PM Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar expresses confidence over Paksitani diaspora

The prime minister expressed confidence that the Pakistani American diaspora will continue to contribute in the socio-economic progress of Pakistan through their investments, remittances, and philanthropic work.

He said that diaspora was Pakistan’s face in the United States and a valuable bridge for further strengthening Pakistan-US relations.

The premier assured APPNA delegation of government’s firm resolve to facilitate Pakistani diaspora all around the World.

President APPNA Dr. Arshad Rehan, on behalf of the association’s members, expressed gratitude to the PM for the call-on and briefed him on APPNA’s continued work in social welfare, educational and medical sectors in Pakistan.

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