Israel Reopens Gaza Crossings, Allows Palestinians Back to Jobs

Thu Sep 28 2023
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GAZA: Israel reopened crossing points with Gaza on Thursday, letting thousands of Palestinian workers get to their work in Israel and the West Bank, after about two weeks of closure prompted by violent protests along the border.

Nearly eighteen thousand Gazans have permits from Israeli authorities to work outside the blockaded enclave, providing an injection of cash amounting to some 2 million dollars a day to the economy of the impoverished territory.

The move comes amid stepped-up international efforts by the United Nations (UN) and Egypt to defuse tensions and prevent a new round of armed conflict in the area, Western media reported.

For about two weeks, protestors throwing stones and explosive devices have faced off against Israeli forces who have responded with live fire, killing at least 1 man and injuring dozens more.

Protests on Wednesday were less intense, and so was the response from Israel.

Desperate to go back to their jobs, workers started to flock to the Palestinian side of the crossing soon after Israel made the announcement late on Wednesday.

Cogat, the Defence Ministry agency of Israel that coordinates with the Palestinians, said security assessments would decide whether the border remained open.

Hazem Qassem, a spokesperson for Hamas group that rules Gaza and opposes peace agreements with Israel, said Israel was constantly violating the fundamental right to freedom of movement of Gazans with repeated border closures and the blockade of the enclave.

Israel’s blockades

Israel blocks many goods from entering the enclave citing security concerns, and also reserves the right to restrict exports.

According to IMF data, per capita income in Gaza is only a quarter of that of Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. The World Bank says unemployment is about 50 percent.

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