IIOJK Faces Alarming Mental Health Crisis Due to Ongoing Conflict and Multiple Stressors

Wed Oct 11 2023
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SRINAGAR: The Kashmir Valley grapples with an alarming prevalence of mental health issues, surpassing the global average. This situation can be attributed to a combination of factors, chief among them being the long-standing conflict in the Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Interviews with doctors based in the Valley, as reported by Kashmir Media Service, shed light on the critical aspects contributing to this mental health crisis.

In discussions with media, Valley-based doctors highlighted various elements aggravating the mental health challenges in the region. Besides the persisting conflict over Kashmir, they cited economic challenges and climatic conditions as significant contributors to the high prevalence of mental health issues in the territory.

Dr. Mansoor Ahmad, the Head of Psychiatry at Govt Medical College Islamabad, emphasized the moral responsibility of the community in recognizing signs of mental distress, particularly suicidal thoughts, and extending positive support networks to those in need.

Renowned clinical psychologist, Dr. Zoya Mir, drew attention to pressing mental health concerns among adolescents and young adults in the region. She emphasized that existing psychological issues were leading to academic decline, social isolation, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.

Dr. Javaid Ahmad, a psychiatrist at District Hospital Shopian, highlighted the prevalent mental health disorders during these challenging times, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorders. He stressed the necessity for joint efforts to combat the stigma associated with mental disorders, enhance awareness, and encourage timely treatment-seeking behaviour.

The doctors, besides advocating for a compassionate approach towards mental health patients, underscored the importance of creating supportive living conditions and environments that facilitate healthy lifestyles.

Notably, in the wake of Indian state terrorism in the Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the number of mental health patients has soared to over one hundred thousand. A report issued by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service on World Mental Health Day revealed this alarming increase. The report stated that the number of mental health patients witnessed a significant rise since the imposition of a strict military siege by the Modi-led communal Indian government on August 05, the previous year. It maintained that human rights violations by Indian troops, including beatings, torture, unjustified arrests, and extrajudicial killings, had adversely affected the local psyche.

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