Beijing Confirms Chinese Casualties in Myanmar Clashes, Calls for Immediate Ceasefire

Tue Nov 07 2023
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BEIJING: In a concerning development, China has confirmed casualties among its citizens due to escalating clashes near its border with Myanmar. The conflict erupted as ethnic armed groups fighting Myanmar’s military junta seized outposts in the country’s northern region, along the border shared with China.

While specific details about the incident remain unclear, it has been reported that one Chinese person was killed, and two others were wounded when the military shelled the town of Laiza. Laiza serves as the headquarters for the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), one of Myanmar’s ethnic armed groups.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin expressed “strong dissatisfaction” with the situation, emphasizing the casualties caused to Chinese personnel. Wang demanded an immediate ceasefire in the conflict and called on all parties involved to take realistic measures to prevent incidents that might endanger the lives and property of people in China’s border areas.

Beijing has lodged a formal protest with relevant parties, urging them to prioritize the safety of Chinese citizens. Wang also stressed that China would take “necessary measures” to safeguard its citizens’ lives and property.

China’s concern over the escalating fighting near its border has been mounting. Senior Chinese diplomat Nong Rong visited Myanmar over the weekend to meet with junta officials, emphasizing the importance of maintaining stability along their shared border and ensuring the safety of Chinese citizens and projects within Myanmar.

The conflict in northern Myanmar involves the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and the Arakan Army (AA). They claim to have captured numerous military outposts in northern Shan state, leading to increased tensions along the border.

While the ethnic armed groups assert their control over the town of Namhkam on the Chinese border, Myanmar’s military has not issued any official comments regarding the situation since Saturday. As the conflict escalates, residents in nearby areas have reported disruptions in internet and phone connections, further hampering communication and trade activities.

The situation has left people living in fear, with uncertainty looming over when the conflict might reach their towns. As the international community observes these developments, efforts to address the conflict and ensure the safety of civilians in the region remain a top priority.

China’s engagement and concern over the situation highlight the significance of stability and safety in its border regions and the potential impact of conflicts beyond its borders on its citizens and interests.

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