Pakistani Ulema Observe ‘Children’s Protection Day’

Fri Dec 29 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Religious scholars and leaders from diverse schools of thought, responding to the call of the Pakistan Ulema Council, observed ‘Children’s Protection Day’ across the country on Friday.

During their Friday sermons, Ulema urged the public to prioritize the administration of polio vaccines to their children, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding them from potential lifelong disabilities.

Pakistan Ulema Council Chairman Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mahmoud Ashrafi, alongside Allama Ziaullah Shah Bukhari, Pir Naqibur Rahman, and others, emphasized in their sermons that the administration of polio drops was not only entirely lawful but also had no adverse impact on the human structure, refuting any claims of inducing weakness in children.

They highlighted the Islamic perspective, advocating the avoidance of risks to oneself and one’s children. Administering polio drops, they asserted, was a parental responsibility, and neglecting this duty might subject children to the consequences of polio, viewed unfavorably by both Allah and society.

The scholars and leaders addressed the opposition to polio vaccination in Pakistan, attributing it to ignorance. They condemned those spreading propaganda against the vital vaccination campaign, asserting that such actions jeopardized the health of children.

Referencing historical contexts, they acknowledged the global prevalence of polio in various regions, including America, Great Britain, European countries, and India. However, they commended the relentless efforts of these countries to control and eliminate the disease, contrasting it with Pakistan’s ongoing struggle against polio.

The religious leaders noted the dedicated work of international health organizations in eradicating polio and stressed the active support of Islamic scholars for such initiatives. Despite these efforts, they lamented that certain elements, driven by ignorance or ulterior motives, continued to obstruct progress in combating polio.

The scholars underscored the unequivocal teachings of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) regarding the use of medicine, portraying vaccines as a form of essential medication. Emphasizing that polio had no cure once contracted, they invoked Allah’s guidance in the Holy Quran against self-harm and highlighted the moral imperative of not allowing a child to suffer a lifelong disability by withholding necessary medication.

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