Thinking Outside the Box for Water Conservation in Pakistan

Sun Jan 28 2024
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LAHORE: With Pakistan facing imminent water scarcity and a decline in per capita water availability, innovative solutions are needed to address the looming crisis. The unchecked population growth and rising demand for water in agriculture and human use make it crucial for the country to rethink its approach to water conservation and storage.

Current Water Scenario A Ticking Time Bomb

The neglect of the water sector, coupled with climate change challenges, has led to a decline in per capita water availability from 5600 cubic meters in 1947 to around 1000 cubic meters today. The consequences of rampant water wastage, limited big projects, and population growth pose serious threats to water availability and food security.

As Pakistan stands at a climate crossroads, balancing water scarcity and the risk of floods becomes critical. Nature-based solutions, particularly rainwater harvesting, emerge as a potential remedy to meet future water needs. The focus should be on controlling water wastage, ensuring proper storage, and utilizing modern water usage techniques.

Global Rainwater Harvesting Techniques

Rainwater harvesting techniques vary globally, ranging from simple and inexpensive systems like rain barrels to complex structures with pumps, tanks, and purification systems. Pakistan needs to adapt these technologies to its resources and explore easier and cost-effective modes of water conservation. Research in this direction is essential to find sustainable solutions.

Rainwater, once harvested, can serve multiple purposes, including irrigating agricultural land, flushing toilets, car washing, laundering clothes, and even after proper purification, as drinking water. Exploring the potential of rainwater for various applications can contribute significantly to water conservation and sustainable usage.

Successful Projects

Several projects in Pakistan demonstrate the success of rainwater harvesting. For instance, Lahore has established three rainwater harvesting sites with significant storage capacity, utilized for watering greenbelt plantations. Similar initiatives across the country can contribute to saving millions of gallons of water, benefiting both urban and rural areas.

To address water-efficient farming and check subsoil water levels and quality, a joint pilot project by the International Water Management Institute and Punjab Irrigation Department has been initiated in Okara district. The project aims to enhance water efficiency, maintain soil fertility, and benefit local farmers through innovative agricultural practices.

Educational Initiatives

Educational institutions like Arid Agriculture University have played a role in developing models for urban and agricultural rainwater harvesting systems. Collective efforts, including awareness campaigns and amendments to by-laws for housing societies, can make rainwater harvesting mandatory, ensuring widespread adoption of this water conservation technique.

As Pakistan stands on the brink of a water crisis, the incoming government must prioritize water storage and conservation. Artificial recharge wells, rainwater harvesting at individual and collective levels, and innovative agricultural practices can collectively revolutionize water usage, ensuring a sustainable future for the country.

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