Mushaal Urges UN to Uphold Right to Self-Determination in Kashmir

Wed Mar 13 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Mushaal Hussein Mullick, a prominent figure in the Hurriyat movement, has called upon the United Nations (UN) to uphold its commitment to the fundamental right of self-determination, particularly in the context of the ongoing situation in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

In a statement to a private news channel, Mullick condemned India’s actions in IIOJK, asserting that they flagrantly violate international laws, conventions, and norms.

Mullick highlighted the undemocratic and illegal nature of the Modi-led Indian government’s actions, emphasizing their direct contravention of UN resolutions and the Geneva Convention. She expressed grave concern over the escalating systematic brutalities, civilian casualties, and human rights violations perpetrated by Indian security forces with impunity in the region.

Asserting the imperative for the peaceful implementation of UN resolutions as the primary means to resolve the Kashmir dispute, Mullick emphasized the significant sacrifices made by the Kashmiri people in their decades-long struggle for self-determination.

Mullick underscored Pakistan’s unwavering commitment to highlighting the Kashmir issue on the global stage, stating that the Pakistani government will intensify and sustain its efforts to garner international support for the cause. She reiterated the importance of robust advocacy at global forums to ensure that the plight of the Kashmiri people receives due attention and redress.

Amidst ongoing tensions and human rights concerns in IIOJK, Mullick’s call for UN intervention underscores the urgency of addressing the Kashmir dispute in accordance with international law and principles of justice. As the Kashmiri people continue to endure hardship and oppression, Mullick’s advocacy serves as a poignant reminder of the imperative to uphold their inherent rights and aspirations.

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