Juma-tul-Wida Being Observed with Religious Zeal in Pakistan

Fri Apr 05 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Juma-tul-Wida, the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, is being observed across Pakistan with religious reverence today. ‘Juma-tul-Wida’ is celebrated by Muslims worldwide on the last Friday of Ramadan. Juma-tul-Wida holds great importance and marks a significant event for Muslims.

People gather in mosques to offer prayers, recite the Holy Quran, do charity and also seek blessings and forgiveness from Allah Almighty.


Millions of Muslims will offer Friday prayers at mosques across Pakistan. Special prayers will be offered for the development and prosperity of Pakistan and unity of Muslims worldwide.  Imams will also highlight significance of the month of the holy Ramadan and the Juma-tul-Wida.  In Islamabad, the biggest gathering of Juma-tul-Wida will be held at Faisal Mosque.

Similarly, the biggest gathering of Juma-tul-Wida will be held in Peshawar, Quetta, Lahore and Karachi.

More to be followed…

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