UMT Holds International Conference on Linguistics and Literature

Wed Nov 30 2022
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LAHORE: A two-day International Conference on Linguistics and Literature was organized by the Institute of Liberal Arts of the University of Management and Technology (UMT). Rector UMT Dr. Asif Raza and Director General UMT Professor Abid Sherwani attended the event as chief guests.

Dean of the Institute of Liberal Arts, Dr. Nadia, Chairperson of the Department, Dr. Arshad Ali Khan, and a large number of scholars, researchers, and experts from all over Pakistan, including UMT faculty and students, participated in the conference.

International experts, scholars, and researchers from Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Canada, and America addressed and presented research papers through Zoom.

Conference Aims to Educate Students About Innovative Ideas


Addressing the event, the Dean Institute of Liberal Arts, Dr. Nadia, thanked the guest speakers and participants for their participation and said that the conference aims to educate students about innovative ideas and teach them how to conduct research in modern ways.

Conference to Enable Students and Teachers to Develop New Ways of Innovation

Rector UMT, Dr. Asif Raza, thanked the participants and congratulated the Dean and Director of the Institute of Liberal Arts on the successful conference and said that the aim of UMT by organizing such events is to provide facilities for a better future for students and teachers so that they can develop new ways of innovation.

Rector UMT further expressed that the English language is the language of success and communication, so its importance cannot be forgotten. You cannot be successful without critical thinking, so it is very important to work on it, said Dr. Asif Raza.


Research papers on linguistics and literature

National and International researchers presented more than 100 research papers on the topic of Linguistics and Literature and elaborated on how innovation can be brought through linguistics and literature. Experts added that the conference’s purpose is to show how the challenges faced in linguistics and literature can be solved through modern research. They agreed that the importance of the English language cannot be forgotten, so we must move forward by participating in international communication while learning English.

The Chairperson of the Institute of Liberal Arts, Dr. Arshad Ali Khan, presented souvenirs to Rector UMT, Dr. Asif Raza, and other guest speakers.

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