Russia Set to Send Third Batch of S-400 Air Defence Missile System to India

Sun Dec 25 2022
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ISLAMABAD: Russia is set to supply S-400 air defense missile system’s third batch to India from January-February next year. This transfer is occurring despite the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

According to Indian defense sources, teams from India are currently in Russia. Members of the team include air force officers. The timeframe of the deliveries is said to be scheduled for early 2023, that is, in the timeframe of January to February.

Restrictions on Russian holding back transfer of third batch

The source, however, mentioned that the sole sticking point that was holding up the transaction was concern about payment. This is because Russia is subjected to global restrictions on financial transactions.

The first two batches of the S-400 defense missile system have `been put into operation. They are deployed such that they cover the Ladakh to West Bengal sectors.

The Russian system is able to take down cruise and ballistic missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles along with fighter aircraft. The system possesses missiles of different ranges in order to be able to thwart attacks from each type of weapon system.

Apart from the S-400 system, India possesses local systems which include Akash and MR_SAM. India also possesses the Israeli Spyder system.

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