Experts Highlight Plights of Kashmiris

Fri Feb 03 2023
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ISLAMABAD: The India Study Center of the Institute of Strategic Studies International on Friday held a seminar to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day, where participants and experts demanded a solution to the Kashmir problem as per the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

Nawabzada Iftikhar Ahmed Khan, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister, addressed the occasion and said that all leaders in Pakistan have contributed to the Kashmir cause regardless of political affiliations.

He said that Pakistan’s efforts for the Kashmiri people were not limited to a single day and had a history of 7 decades.

Dr. Arshad Ali highlights long-standing issue

Dr Arshad Ali, Director of the India Study Center at ISSI, highlighted the issues of the long-standing issue of Kashmir.

He said that the cruel policies of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had made  Kashmiri Muslims second-grade citizens.

Sohail Mahmood, Director General of ISSI,  said that Kashmir was a scar on the conscience of the world community, as the right of self-determination for the Kashmiri people has been denied for over seven decades.

He expressed his deep concerns over the ban on the internet in the valley and the harsh and repressive measures taken by Indian forces.

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