Pakistan to Lend Maximum Support to Turkiye in Post-quake Rehab: PM

Fri Feb 17 2023
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ADIYAMAN, TURKIYE: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif Friday said Pakistan would continue to provide maximum support to Turkiye in its post-earthquake efforts for rehabilitation and reconstruction.

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The PM expressed these views as he handed over relief goods, mainly the winterized tents, to the Turkish officials in Adiayman city of Turkiye as he visaited the country.

The Adiyaman city is one of the ten southeastern Turkish provinces that suffered heavy damages by the earthquake of Feb 6. Shehbaz Sharif assured the Turkish officials that Pakistan would extend every possible cooperation to the brotherly country to cope with the devastation.

The PM arrived in Turkiye’s capital Ankara on Thursday on a two-day official visit in a special gesture of solidarity with the Turkish brethren.

20,000 quilts for the earthquake victims

Pakistan’s federal cabinet on Thursday also decided to send 20,000 quilts to the earthquake victims and directed the Finance Department to release Rs.50 million for the purpose. — APP

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