Happy Independence Day to Kuwait: Pakistan’s Minister Vows to Enhance Ties

Wed Feb 22 2023
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News Reports

ISLAMABAD:  Pakistan’s minister for power and energy Ghulam Distagir Khan said that Pakistan and Kuwait will further enhance cooperation in diverse fields.


He was talking to media in a function in connection with the celebration of 62nd Anniversary of the Independence Day in Islamabad.

Pak, Kuwait Ties

On the occasion, the minister and envoy of Kuwait to Pakistan Nassar Abdulrahman Almutairi also cut the cake on the occasion.

The minister said that he hoped that Pakistan and Kuwait will work together to further enhance their bilateral ties.

The Pakistan-Kuwait relations are based on common history, traditions, and culture. The two countries have always enjoyed their friendly, trade, and cultural relations with enormous respect for their cultural traditions.

The bilateral ties exist both at the government and at the people’s level.

The two nations have stood for each other in their most odd and testing times.

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