Tajikistan Congratulates Pakistan on Constitution’s Golden Jubilee

Thu May 11 2023
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ISLAMABAD: The First Deputy Chairman of the Majlisi Namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan Vatanzoda Mahmadali on Wednesday congratulated Pakistan on its Golden Jubilee of the Constitution during a breakout session and expressed good wishes for Pakistan’s stability and happiness.

Pakistan-Tajikistan Ties

He stated that the constitution is a “living mechanism” for any country and can help address all difficulties by adhering to it.   He emphasized the need to take measures to address the challenges facing the constitution in this new era, including working with international parliamentary forums to tackle them. He also stressed the importance of a fair distribution of powers and a balance in institutions.

Meanwhile, a member of the Iranian parliament addressed Pakistan during the occasion and congratulated them on the Constitution’s Golden Jubilee on behalf of the Iranian government and parliament.

He expressed good wishes for the growth of the Pakistani Parliament and highlighted the close relationship between the parliaments of Iran and Pakistan. He urged both countries to benefit from the new world order and to prepare themselves to establish their position within it.

He stated that developed countries have turned the title of “human rights” into a tool to put pressure on developing countries, particularly Muslim countries, and emphasized that Islam is the only religion that also speaks of the rights of animals.

He concluded by stating that the constitution and Muslim countries face many challenges, but sitting in Parliament enables them to confront them. APP

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