Pakistan’s Federal Minister Hosts Dinner for Road to Makkah Team

Sat May 20 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Hajj and Religious Affairs, Senator Talha Mahmood, hosted a dinner on Saturday in honor of the Road to Makkah team. The event was attended by Saudi Ambassador Nawab Saeed al-Maliki and ambassadors from other countries.

During the ceremony, Federal Minister Senator Talha Mahmood delivered a speech expressing his appreciation for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s initiation of the Road to Makkah program, considering it a significant initiative. He acknowledged the crucial role played by the Saudi ambassador in facilitating the program’s implementation.

Senator Talha Mahmood emphasized that the Road to Makkah program would enhance facilities and services for pilgrims, providing them with an improved Hajj experience. He emphasized the deep-rooted love and attachment of Pakistanis towards the holy land of Hijaz, which is well-known to everyone.

Pakistan, Road to Makkah, Saudi Arabia, Ambassador, Minister, Talha Mahmood, Senator, Hajj, Pilgrims, Makkah, Governments, Relations, Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi

Furthermore, the Federal Minister reassured that Pakistani pilgrims would receive special care in Saudi Arabia during their pilgrimage. He expressed hope that Saudi Arabia would also take special care of Pakistani pilgrims, ensuring their well-being and comfort throughout their journey.

Senator Talha Mahmood announced that the Hajj operation would commence from Islamabad tomorrow (Sunday). He further revealed that in the upcoming year, the Road to Makkah program would extend its services to Lahore and Karachi, benefiting a larger number of pilgrims across the country.

The dinner hosted by Federal Minister Talha Mahmood served as an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the collaboration between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia in facilitating the Hajj pilgrimage. The Road to Makkah program aims to streamline and enhance the pilgrimage experience, providing convenience and comfort to Pakistani pilgrims.

Road to Makkah program

With the commencement of the Hajj operation, thousands of Pakistani pilgrims are set to embark on their spiritual journey to the holy city of Makkah. The efforts made by both the governments of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia demonstrate their commitment to facilitating the pilgrimage and ensuring a smooth and memorable experience for all pilgrims.

The Road to Makkah program stands as a testament to the strong bilateral ties between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, fostering closer cooperation in religious affairs and promoting a deeper connection between the two nations.

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