Illegal Cattle Markets in Islamabad Cause Traffic Jams, Transporter Woes

Wed Jun 28 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, is facing a growing issue with illegal cattle markets causing traffic congestion and problems for transporters. Despite the presence of responsible institutions such as the Capital Development Authority (CDA) enforcement, District Management Authority (DMA), environment department, police, traffic police, and district administration, the situation remains unaddressed.

Traders have set up camps along Islamabad’s Park Road and on the roadside, leading to a rush of vehicles in front of the Bani Gala police station and Shehzad Town police station on Park Road. The lack of action from the responsible institutions has left citizens frustrated, as they often face harassment while the authorities turn a blind eye.

Illegal Cattle Markets Continue to Rise in Islamabad

The CDA has failed to enforce the law effectively. Despite occasional visits by the CDA Environment department, the number of animals on Park Road continues to rise. In urban areas, such as the city center, these organizations make occasional visits, but the situation in rural areas remains largely neglected by the CDA.

The video depicting the chaotic situation on Park Road highlights the pressing issue that requires urgent attention from the concerned authorities.

The presence of illegal cattle markets not only disrupts traffic flow but also creates problems for transporters and residents in the area. It is essential for the responsible institutions to take immediate action to address the issue and restore order on the roads of Islamabad.

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