Storms to Follow Intense Heat Wave in Italy

Wed Jul 26 2023
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ROME, Italy: The intense heat wave that has been gripping Italy began to break up in the northern part of the country on Monday, however, thunderstorms and hail are likely to follow, according to weather monitoring services.

According to a local weather website, the weather will remain hot and dry in Italy’s central and southern parts. The country has seen new records for high temperatures in recent weeks.

But this week, the heatwave’s intensity will slightly decrease. By Wednesday, only two of Italy’s 27 largest cities will be on “red alert,” compared to 16 on Monday and more than 20 last week.

A “red alert” indicates that the heat may pose a health danger, especially to young people who are otherwise healthy. Even the middle and southern regions of the country will see a cooling trend starting on Thursday, although not with the same intensity as the rainstorms are expected to hit the north. issued thunderstorm warnings for Monday and Tuesday in seven Italian regions, including Valle d’Aosta, Liguria Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont, Friuli Venezia Giulia, and Trentino-Alto Adige. —Xinhua/APP

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