JKLF London Plans Massive Protest to Denounce Indian Atrocities

Fri Aug 04 2023
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LONDON: The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) London branch is gearing up for a powerful demonstration in protest against the Indian government’s continued atrocities and human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). The protest, scheduled to take place on 5th August 2023, marks ‘Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir’ (Kashmir Exploitation Day) and aims to raise awareness and denounce the grave situation faced by the people of Kashmir.

Members of JKLF London are working tirelessly to prepare flags, banners, and placards that will amplify the voices of the oppressed Kashmiris. The public relations campaign is also intensifying, with the community urged to join the demonstration in solidarity with the Kashmiri cause.

The protest will kick-off at 1 PM on Saturday from Parliament Square in London and proceed to the Indian High Commission. The demonstration is expected to draw a large crowd of British Kashmiris and supporters who seek to raise their voices against the ongoing human rights violations and repression in IIOJK.

Indian Govt’s Brutalities Against Kashmiri People

The situation in IIOJK has remained a cause of concern globally, with reports of brutalities, restrictions on civil liberties, and an overall atmosphere of fear and oppression. The JKLF London branch believes that international pressure is essential to address the crisis and ensure the rights and dignity of the Kashmiri people are respected.

The JKLF London branch urges the British Kashmiri community and all those concerned about human rights to unite and join the protest demonstration. Together, they hope to send a strong message to the Indian government, calling for an end to the atrocities and the immediate restoration of the rights and freedoms of the people of IIOJK.

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