Advocating for Peace: Biden’s Eid al-Adha Message

Mon Jun 17 2024
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WASHINGTON, USA: In a heartfelt Eid al-Adha address to Muslims worldwide, US President Joe Biden used the occasion to lend his support to a US-backed ceasefire agreement in Gaza, emphasizing its potential to alleviate the suffering endured by civilians amidst the conflict between Hamas and Israel.

Expressing profound concern over the loss of innocent lives, including thousands of children, Biden underscored the urgent need for a cessation of hostilities. He endorsed Israel’s three-phase ceasefire proposal to Hamas, which garnered the backing of the UN Security Council, as a viable pathway toward ending the violence and bringing about a lasting peace.

The United States has been actively engaged in diplomatic efforts to urge both parties to accept the ceasefire deal ratified by Security Council members. This proposal envisages an initial six-week pause in fighting, offering a glimmer of hope for relief in Gaza.

Eid al-Adha, traditionally a time of reflection and solidarity, witnessed a temporary respite in Gaza, following Israel’s announcement of a tactical pause in combat near Rafah to facilitate humanitarian aid deliveries.

Acknowledging the invaluable contributions of American Muslims to the nation’s fabric across various spheres, Biden affirmed his commitment to championing the rights of Muslim communities worldwide. From advocating for the Rohingya in Myanmar to raising concerns about the Uygurs in China and seeking resolution in the Sudanese conflict, the United States stands firm in its support for justice and peace.

Addressing domestic issues, Biden reiterated his administration’s stance against Islamophobia, extending a promise to combat all forms of discrimination targeting American Muslims, Arab Americans, Palestinians, and other communities. He emphasized the creation of a national strategy to counter Islamophobia and related biases, recognizing the imperative of fostering inclusivity and diversity within American society.

In extending his warm wishes for Eid al-Adha, Biden’s message resonated with a call for unity, compassion, and collective action in pursuit of a world where peace prevails over conflict, and where the dignity and rights of all individuals are upheld without prejudice or discrimination.

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