Afghan Refugees in UK Protest Against Deportations to Rwanda

Thu May 16 2024
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LONDON: More than 100 Afghan refugees gathered outside the Home Office’s Lunar House in central Croydon, a large town in the south of London, on Thursday to protest against the UK Government’s policy of deportations to Rwanda, expressing concerns about the safety and well-being of those facing removal.

The protestors, including persons who served with the British military during the conflict in Afghanistan, voiced their opposition to the deportation policy, which they described as “intolerable” and “Tory deportations on the sly.” Many of the protesters were Afghan refugees who fled their homeland due to fear of persecution by the Taliban.

The protest follows previous efforts by various human rights groups to prevent the forced detention and deportation of refugees seeking asylum. Some protesters highlighted the risks faced by vulnerable persons who may lack legal protection and asylum rights in Rwanda.

Qamar Jabarkhyl, a civil engineer and British citizen of Afghan descent, addressed the crowd, expressing concerns about the potential negative consequences of transferring Afghan refugees to Rwanda. He emphasized the importance of prioritizing the safety and well-being of refugees above all else. He called for a reassessment of current deportation policies.

Jabarkhyl and the protesters argued that Afghan refugees who worked alongside the British Armed Forces in Afghanistan should be exempted from deportation to Rwanda. They cited their commitment to fighting against terrorism and their direct threats from the Taliban regime.

Transferring Afghan refugees to Rwanda could have negative repercussions for Britain’s international reputation, Jabarkhyl warned. He urged the government to uphold its moral obligations towards those who risked their lives to support British forces in Afghanistan.


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