Afghanistan Airforce Repairs Two More Military Aircrafts

Mon Dec 19 2022
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KABUL: Two more military aircraft have been repaired and fixed by the Afghanistan Air Force’s engineering team and are now ready for flight, according to a statement from the Ministry of National Defense (MoND) issued on Sunday.

According to the statement, an MI-35 helicopter and a C-208 military jet were recently repaired and adjusted by technical teams from the MoND.

TOLO News Reported earlier that since the US-led forces withdrew from Afghanistan in August 2021, the engineering teams of the Taliban-led Defense Ministry have rebuilt over 60 military aircraft, including helicopters and transport planes.

Aircrafts repairment

According to military analysts, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) interim government in Afghanistan should hire a professional staff from the previous Afghan government to maximize the repair and use of military hardware of the US and its NATO in Afghanistan.

Afghan military analyst Asadullah Nadim talked to TOLO News earlier and said that if the Taliban government wants to deploy these repaired helicopters and aircrafts, then IEA should hire employees and experts, especially those with technical skills belonging to the previous Afghan government.

US aircrafts

Upon successfully repairing the previous batch of sixty military aircrafts, including Helicopters and transport aircrafts by the Taliban government, Military Analyst Hekmatullah Hekmat stated, “the Afghan Ministry of Defense has made excellent progress in light of the circumstances. We anticipate that the other improvements will proceed more successfully and favorably.

In earlier media reports, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan said that after the overthrowing US-led administration and withdrawal of the US and NATO military, more than 40 Afghan helicopters were sent to Tajikistan and Uzbekistan by the US-led Afghan administration. (Xinhua/TOLO News)

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