After the ICJ Ruling Against Israel

Sat Jul 27 2024
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Sikandar Noorani

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According to the latest ruling of International Court of Justice (ICJ), Israel has illegally occupied the Palestinian territories and blatantly violated the international laws while establishing the settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Obviously, Tel Aviv now appears more illegitimate and discredited after this ruling of ICJ. Hard blow to the credibility of Israel can be gauged from the fact that fifty member states stood in solidarity with Palestinians in ICJ. It is also worth noting that ICJ is the highest body working under the UN to settle the disputes between states.

ICJ panel comprising 15 judges deliberated upon the request made by UNGA in 2022. It is worth remembering that Israel occupied the Palestinian territories in West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem during 1967 war. Subsequently, Tel Aviv continued to solidify the illegal occupation with forced establishment of settlements and regular expansions.  Though, ICJ ruling is non-binding but its moral impact has enormous potential to sensitize the international community about state sponsored brutalities of Israel. Relevancy of this ruling of ICJ with ongoing Israeli genocidal campaign in Gaza has provided more strength to the oppressed Palestinians. Despite material helplessness, Palestinians have obtained a remarkable moral upper edge as evident from key points of the ICJ ruling mentioned in succeeding lines.

One, all occupations made by Israel in Palestinians territories are illegal. Two, Tel Aviv has been committing war crimes against Palestinians in sheer violation of international laws, for 57 years. Three, all Jewish settlements including subsequent expansions are illegal. Four, Israel has been blatantly violating the fundamental rights of Palestinians in occupied territories. Five, as per the dictates of international law, Israel is bound to suspend the settlement activities on occupied Palestinian territories. Six, all companies or firms involved in the establishment of settlements should immediately disengage from the illegitimate process. Seven, member states of UN cannot extend any aid or assistance to Israel for maintaining illegal occupation on Palestinian territories. Eight, Israel has seized the right to self-determination of Palestinians.

As expected, Netanyahu regime has pressed upon the Jewish rights on Palestinians territories. Tel Aviv had behaved in rouge manner by rejecting the ICJ ruling much before its announcement. This arrogant response reflects the rigidity of extremist mindset prevailing among the decision makers in Israel. It is not the first time when Israeli government openly disregarded the international laws. Guaranteed support from US in all sort of situations is the main factor which always facilitates Tel Aviv in violating the international laws with impunity. Impartial analysts believe that landmark ruling of ICJ may not push Israel out of occupied Palestinian territories any time soon.

However, the dent made to the legitimacy of Israel with ICJ ruling would expand gradually leading towards the just solution of the dispute. This desired process can only take place with the support of international community which has enormous potential to exert targeted pressure on genocidal regime of Israel. Unified imposition of sanctions on Israel may prove effective in the days to come. Ironically, the so-called flagbearers of human rights in the West have not yet felt the severity of inhuman atrocities inflicted upon the Palestinians by Netanyahu regime. Israeli occupation on Palestinian territories.

ICJ took 57 years long period to expose the illegality of Israeli occupation and construction of settlements on Palestinians’ territory. This question also carries lot of weight that why an international body like UNO took so long in defining the correct status of Israeli crimes against the Palestinians? Fifty-member states of UNO participated in the proceedings of ICJ and provided various evidences about the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories.

Despite strong realization of Israeli inhuman policies, it is unfortunate that post 7 October Gaza continues to present the doomsday view. Reportedly, Israel has killed more than 39 thousand Palestinians including kids and women during past nine months. Like always, it was US which came for the rescue of Israel at UNSC with a veto chit soaked in the blood of innocent Palestinians. For long, EU members have also been ignoring the inhuman violence of Israel against Palestinians.

This oblivious approach is now changing gradually due to the unprecedented merciless Israeli strikes on non-combatant residents of Gaza. Tel Aviv is eliminating the Palestinians on the lame plea of security and right to defense. Israeli strikes on kids, patients, women and aged citizens are undeniable proofs of systematic genocide in Gaza. South Africa lodged a plea in ICJ seeking halt on Israel’s genocidal acts in the garb of war against Hamas. Indiscriminate bombing on civilians, refugee camps, hospitals and blockade of humanitarian aid are obvious indicators of systematic genocide of Palestinians. In the light of ICJ ruling, global players should enforce tough measures to end the genocide being committed by the illegal occupational Israeli regime.

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