Aggression Against Gaza, Turning Point in History: Arab League Chief

Fri May 31 2024
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CAIRO: Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit has said that the aggression against Palestinians in Gaza for more than eight months marks a turning point in regional history.

He added that there was a deep sense of frustration over the global community’s inability to stop this massacre.

He made the remarks while speaking at the opening session of the 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing on Thursday.

Aboul Gheit said the Arab League values China’s role and steadfast support for the cause of the people of Palestine and their right to self-determination.

He called upon China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, to play a more significant role in reinforcing the international consensus on the two-state solution.

He went on to say the Arab League and its member countries aimed to boost regional stability by working to contain current g crises, settle them peacefully, and reduce escalation through balanced ties with neighboring nations based on non-interference in internal affairs and mutual respect.

He reaffirmed the league’s support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China, maintaining a strong commitment to the one-China principle.

Aboul Gheit noted that the Arab League was committed to making a stronger future for both Arab and Chinese societies.

“We aim to advance the strategic partnership between the Arab countries and China for a better future, strengthening cooperation mechanisms and finding political solutions to issues of mutual concern on regional and international fronts.”

The Arab League chief said they celebrate the 20th anniversary of establishing the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

He said the forum marked a significant milestone in the history of ties between the two sides and placed these relations within a comprehensive institutional framework.

Aboul Gheit said that the first Arab-Chinese summit in Riyadh, in 2022 had a qualitative shift in Arab-Chinese ties.

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