Aid Groups Sue Denmark Over Arms Exports to Israel, Citing War Crimes Concerns

Tue Mar 12 2024
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COPENHAGEN: Four humanitarian organizations on Tuesday said they were suing Denmark to get it to stop the country’s weapons exports to Israel. The lawsuit, directed against the national police and the foreign ministry, aims to address concerns regarding potential violations of humanitarian law in Gaza.

Tim Whyte, the secretary general of Action Aid Denmark—one of the organizations involved in the legal action—stated, “Denmark should not be sending weapons to Israel when there is a reasonable suspicion that it is committing war crimes in Gaza.” He emphasized the importance of obtaining clarity from the court regarding Denmark’s responsibility in this matter.

The lawsuit follows revelations by investigative media outlet Danwatch in November, which uncovered that Israel’s F-35s were equipped with parts manufactured by the Danish group Terma. Joining Action Aid Denmark in the legal action are the Danish branches of Amnesty International, Oxfam, and Palestinian human rights organization Al-Haq.

This legal challenge comes on the heels of a landmark ruling in the Netherlands, where a Dutch court ordered the country to cease exporting F-35 parts to Israel. The decision was based on concerns raised by the court regarding potential violations of humanitarian law in the Gaza Strip involving Israel’s F-35 fighter planes.

Similar lawsuits are underway in other countries, including Canada, where foreign and justice ministers have been targeted. However, in a setback for campaigners, London’s High Court recently rejected a petition seeking to suspend British arms exports to Israel.

Meanwhile, the conflict in Gaza continues unabated, with Israel’s relentless bombardment and ground offensive having claimed the lives of 31,112 Palestinians since October 7, according to Gaza’s health ministry.

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