BEIRUT: Algeria will immediately begin supplying Lebanon with fuel for its power plants, Algerian state radio said in a statement on Sunday, after Lebanon’s electricity company said the day before its supplies were exhausted.
In response to a critical fuel shortage that has plunged Lebanon into a nationwide blackout, Algeria has pledged to immediately supply fuel to power Lebanon’s electricity plants.
This announcement comes after Lebanon’s state electricity company, Electricite du Liban (EDL), reported on Saturday that it had run out of fuel, resulting in a complete power outage across the country, including at essential facilities such as the airport.
Lebanon has faced persistent electricity shortages for decades, a problem exacerbated by mismanagement and corruption within the state electricity sector. The country has struggled with intermittent power supply since 1990.
The complete power outage on Saturday was the latest manifestation of Lebanon’s ongoing electricity crisis. EDL’s announcement that it had exhausted its fuel supplies highlighted the severity of the situation. The power outage disrupted daily life and critical services, including the operation of the country’s airport, which is vital for both travel and cargo.
EDL said that the power supply would be restored gradually as new fuel supplies were secured. The company had been exploring options including a swap agreement with Iraq or procuring fuel from other sources to address the immediate shortage.