An Unambiguous Nexus Between Baloch Separatists, India

Mon Jul 31 2023
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Naveed Miraj

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It is an open secret that India supports separatist Baloch elements, which are handful in number, to destabilize Pakistan. It is doing so not only by providing weapons to the separatists but also providing finances and political support to those in exile.

It is not a hyperbole or allegation but the events of the last many years unambiguously suggest so. The other day, Naela Quadri,  the self proclaimed Prime Minister of Balochistan in exile, sought Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s support at the United Nations for Balochistan independence.

Firstly it is really important to understand the background of Naela Quadri  which is not at all  indicative of Baloch heritage. She is an ethnic Mohajir, descendants of Urdu speaking migrants who migrated to Pakistan. This fact itself questions about her legitimacy as the self proclaimed leader of Baloch people.

Over the years, Naela Quadri has visited India many a times and her actions clearly suggest that she is being puppeteered by the Indian intelligence agency RAW to achieve its vested interests. How such a person can be a friend of Balochistan, who is playing in the hands of  the enemy which has the worst human record and whose hands are soaked in the blood of Muslims including those in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

In fact the personality which is claiming herself as the Prime Minister of Balochistan is not known by majority of people  in  Balochistan province. Then how such a person can claim to be the representative or leader of Balochistan? If she had been so much worried about the rights of Balochistan, she would have been found amongst the Baloch people but since her so called self exile, Naela Quadri has never been to the province. We have no doubt in saying that the Baloch people are as loyal to Pakistan as the people of other provinces and they will not allow to be dictated by such infidels financed by our arch enemy.

It is not only Naela Quadri but there are several other elements that are on the payroll of India to propagate propaganda regarding the situation in Balochistan as well as stoke anarchy in the province. The very confessional statement of Kulbhushan Jadhav is very much on record who admitted: “My purpose was to hold meetings with the Baloch insurgents and carry out activities with their collaboration. These activities have been of criminal nature, leading to the killing of or maiming of Pakistani citizens.” He explicitly narrated that the Indian intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), was involved in a separatist movement in Pakistan.

Then there are also statements of the Indian army officers openly threatening on live television that there would be attacks on Pakistani soldiers in Balochistan and that they would be harmed. They have also boasted of having contacts with Baloch separatists, claiming that India will support these separatists in getting an independent Balochistan. The  Indian newspapers have also been openly admitting about New Delhi’s support to Baloch militants. The Hindu reported some time back that Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) commanders have been seeking “medical treatment in India’s hospitals, often under disguise or with fake identity.”

Given the strategic location and the rich natural resources that Balochistan province possesses, hostile intelligence agencies especially RAW wants to repeat the episode of East Pakistan in Balochistan. We have no doubt on the capabilities of our armed forces to foil their sordid designs, but it is also incumbent upon our government to direct efforts towards the development of Balochistan and removing the sense of grievances of Baloch people.

A mechanism in this regard can be charted out after consultations with the genuine Baloch leadership.  It is also for our foreign office to expose the evil Indian ploy at international forums including the United Nations. The message for the enemy and its cahoots is that Balochistan is an integral part of Pakistan and nobody will be allowed to interfere in its matters. And the day is not far when the province will become hub of regional trade and economic activities- the benefits of which will be cultivated by Baloch people.

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