ANP Believes Past Inaction Contributed to Jaranwala Incident Occurrence

Thu Aug 17 2023
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PESHAWAR: The Awami National Party (ANP) has called the Jaranwala incident a painful occurrence, asserting that such incidents could have been prevented in the past by holding those responsible accountable.

Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour, a senior leader of the ANP, said in a statement that the destruction of churches and homes was distressing.

Bilour stressed the paramount importance of identifying and punishing both the instigators and participants of the incident. ANP’s stance was reiterated, affirming that Islam inherently values and respects all faiths.

ANP Demands Action Against Culprits

The senior leader demanded that those found guilty of wrongful deeds should face legal repercussions, advocating for a rigorous legal process to ensure appropriate punishment. He also emphasized the far-reaching consequences of such incidents on Pakistan’s global image and the potential hardships faced by overseas Pakistani communities.

Highlighting the importance of unity among citizens, regardless of their religious beliefs, Bilour emphasized that every citizen’s commitment to the nation remains unwaveringly equal.

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