Anti-Asian hate crimes are scaring Chinese travelers away from the US

Sat Oct 01 2022
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In the past, her sales job at a packaged-foods company took her to business conferences all over the world. But she hasn’t left China since early 2020 and is taking her sales calls online instead of in person in Thailand, Germany, Morocco and elsewhere.
While most countries have reopened their borders and resumed travel back to previous pre-Covid levels, China has remained extremely conservative in its approach and continues to adhere to a stringent and uncompromising “zero-Covid” policy.
While those policies keep Chinese people in, they also keep most foreigners out, making it less likely for people like Yu to interact with people from other countries.
And although China still hasn’t announced a plan for removing quarantine and other roadblocks for international travel, Yu can’t wait to get back on the road and travel again.
There’s one exception, though — she has major reservations about visiting the United States.

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