Anti-CPEC Propaganda Exposed, Mega Project to Change Lives of Millions

Fri Jun 07 2024
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ISLAMABAD: China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a landmark investment project for regional and economic connectivity in Pakistan aimed to uplift the region through a network of transportation, energy and industrial infrastructure. It has the potential to create millions of job opportunities and reduce poverty. Unfortunately, some anti-Pakistan and anti-CPEC elements and entities are active to spread misconceptions regarding CPEC. It is imperative to straighten facts and highlight benefits it offers to millions of people in Pakistan and beyond. Some anti-Pakistan and anti-CPEC elements and entities are involved in propaganda and falsely claiming that China is becoming a hegemon and treats Pakistan as its client state. They distorted the facts and also claimed that CPEC excluded local population and offers them nothing. Several anti-CPEC elements said that China is creating a Debt Trap for Pakistan through expensive projects like CPEC.

Several anti-Pakistan elements and entities claimed that China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) benefits are not evenly distributed within Pakistan and may exacerbate regional disparities. Some anti-CPEC elements claimed that China is developing Gwadar Port through military perspective.


Many distorted the historical facts and claimed that CPEC projects violates territorial sovereignty of India as it passes through Gilgit Baltistan (GB) which India claims to be its part. Several said that there is inadequate safety and security for Chinese citizens working on CPEC project. CPEC is an axis of Pakistan and China to damage Indian interest in the region, some anti-Pakistan entities claimed. Many negative elements claimed that China will control the Gwadar port and control the naval influence in the region.


However, there is no solid evidence to justify the above empty claims as these are based on distorted things to mislead the people and damage Pakistan’s progress and CPEC project.

In fact, CPEC involves the construction of a vast network of roads, railways, ports, and energy projects that will boost Pakistan’s economy by creating millions of new jobs for local population. Similarly, the development of Gwadar Port and potential of CPEC project brings a strong economic foundation for future generations of the people of Balochistan while the people of Gwadar are the main stakeholder in the Port City of Gwadar. The development of the port and an airport at Gwadar, the construction of eastern, western and central routes will unite all the provinces of Pakistan and an integrated progress in comparatively backward areas of Pakistan would be experienced.


Similarly, Gwadar Free Zones (North and South) are established to make Pakistan an export-oriented nation.  The export initiative from Gwadar Port starts with the export of Gold and Copper from the Reko Diq mine, giving socio-economic boost in Pakistan and the entire region.

CPEC is a game changer in the region as it will connect Pakistan with China – the second largest economy in the world –as well as with Central Asian Republics through land. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the flagship project of China’s ambitious the One Belt One Road (OBOR). And its success is important for China as well to show the entire world that China is a reliable investor. Therefore, the mantra of debt trap is completely incorrect and mere propaganda of anti-Pakistan and anti-CPEC elements.  CPEC project has all ingredients of regional development.


Nations work together and progress and no country can isolate itself from the comity of nations. They are connected with trade, connectivity and mutual economic interests.

CPEC project will reduce provincial disparities by creating economic opportunities in smaller provinces of the country. Mega projects in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa include Gwadar Port, Gwadar International Airport, Gwadar East-Bay Expressway, Hub Power Plant, Havelian Dry Port, Rashakai Special Economic Zone, Peshawar-Karachi Motorway, ML-1, and Karakoram Highway up-gradation. Gwardar Port is strategically located at the entrance of the Strait of Hormuz, one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.


The port can handle large cargo vessels, including deep-sea ships. It provides a shorter route to China, Central Asian Republics, and the Middle East. Hence, Pakistan, especially Balochistan, can become a regional trade hub. Pakistan has already implemented various security measures, including employment of specialized forces and surveillance systems, to protect the men and material in fool proof environment for the smooth progression of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects.


Recent initiative of Pakistan to join Shenzhen business forum that will further boost the development momentum of CPEC project. These historical facts and solid evidences are eye opening for anti-Pakistan and anti-CPEC elements because CPEC is a new dawn of progress and prosperity for Pakistan and the region.

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