APHC-AJK Condemns India’s Brutal Policies in IIOJK, Urges UN Intervention

Tue Jan 30 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter has strongly rejected the Hindutva BJP regime’s brutal policies in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), and called for the UN intervention to prevent the worsening human rights situation in the region.

According to Kashmir Media Service, in a collective statement released in Islamabad, APHC-AJK Convenor Mehmood Ahmed Saghar and General Secretary Shaikh Abdul Mateen emphasized the immediate resolution of the longstanding Kashmir conflict in accordance with United Nations resolutions.

The leaders condemned India’s reported escalation of atrocities, including harassment, home invasions, search operations, and arbitrary arrests in the occupied area. They called upon India to abandon its repressive measures and instead engage in efforts towards a resolution that respects the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people.

Despite the detention of Hurriyat leaders and numerous Kashmiri youth, the APHC-AJK leaders expressed confidence that the sacrifices of Kashmiri martyrs would not be in vain. They appealed to the United Nations to take cognizance of the alleged human rights abuses committed by Indian forces, stressing that the implementation of UN resolutions remains the sole feasible path to resolving the Kashmir conflict.

Other leaders from APHC-AJK, including Imtiaz Ahmad Wani, Sheikh Yaqoob, Raja Shaheen, Ejaz Rehmani, Zahid Ashraf, Zahid Safi, Mushtaq Ahmad Butt, and Syed Gulshan Ahmad, in their individual statements, voiced grave concerns over the ongoing dire situation in the occupied region. They raised alarm over the Modi government’s purported diversion of Chenab waters, in violation of the Indus Waters Treaty, alleging hidden agendas behind such actions.  —APP


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