APHC Asks People to Gather at Gilani’s Grave on September 1

Fri Aug 25 2023
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SRINAGAR: In an emotional call to action, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has extended a heartfelt appeal to the public, beckoning them to gather at the Hyderpora grounds in Srinagar on September 1.

The purpose behind this gathering is to pay solemn tribute to the revered symbol of the Kashmir resistance movement, Syed Ali Gilani, on the occasion of his second martyrdom anniversary.

Issuing a resounding statement from Srinagar, the APHC leadership emphasized the significance of assembling at Hyderpora, emphasizing that September 1, a Friday, is a day reserved for commemorating the life and sacrifices of Syed Ali Gilani. The leader, who left an indelible mark on the landscape of Kashmir’s liberation struggle, is lauded for his unwavering commitment to the resolution of the longstanding Kashmir dispute.

Reflecting on the unparalleled sacrifices made by this stalwart figure in the ongoing struggle of the Kashmiri people, the leadership underscored Syed Ali Gilani’s legacy as a fearless and unwavering leader. His enduring dedication to the Kashmiri cause is destined to be etched in golden letters within the annals of recent Kashmiri history.

The APHC’s call to the Kashmiri populace to gather at the Hyderpora site in Srinagar serves as a poignant reminder of the need to honour those who have given their lives for the cause of Kashmir’s freedom. The leadership passionately advocates for the remembrance of these valiant heroes who, in life and death, have passionately championed the liberty of Kashmir.

Furthermore, the APHC earnestly appeals to the ulema, khateebs (Islamic preachers), and the general populace to unite in paying homage to the memory of the departed leader. The gesture of offering special prayers in mosques for Syed Ali Gilani’s legacy serves as an earnest and heartening display of respect for his contributions.

It is important to recount the poignant fact that the mortal remains of Syed Ali Gilani were unceremoniously taken by Indian forces and interred at the Hyderpora graveyard, a stark departure from his expressed wish to be laid to rest at the Martyrs’ Graveyard in Eidgah, Srinagar. This poignant detail further underscores the lengths to which Syed Ali Gilani’s adversaries went to suppress his voice, making the act of commemoration all the more significant.

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