APHC Leaders Demand Kashmir Settlement as Per UN Resolutions

Thu Jan 04 2024
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ISLAMABAD: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) leaders have demanded of the United Nations to fulfill its obligations about settlement of the Kashmir dispute under its resolutions including the one approved on January 05, 1949.

According to media reports they made the demand on the eve of the adoption of January 5, 1949 United Nations resolution that guaranteed the Kashmiris’ Right to Self-Determination.

The APHC leaders Syed Bashir Andrabi, Junaid-ud-Salam and Khawaja Firdous in a joint statement in Srinagar stated that on January 5, 1949, the UN Commission for Pakistan and India had approved a very significant resolution, which granted the Kashmiris the right to decide their future by themselves. They stated the Kashmiri people have rendered unparalleled sacrifices for securing their inalienable right and they are determined to continue their struggle till complete success. They maintained that despite facing the brutal Indian occupation for the last more than seven decades, the Kashmiris remain steadfast in their demand for holding of plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir.

APHC Leaders Demand Kashmir Settlement as Per UN Resolutions

APHC leader, Advocate Divendar Singh Behel, in a statement issued in Jammu condemned that India has been denying the right to self-determination to the people of occupied Kashmir for the last over seven decades. He said that the world, especially the UN, bears the responsibility to ensure that the Kashmiri people are permitted to exercise this right. He thanked Pakistan for its unwavering support to Kashmiris’ just cause.

Illegally detained the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) leader, Noor Muhammad Fayaz, in a message from jail said that the Kashmir dispute remained unresolved due to India’s stubbornness. He stated the plebiscite under the United Nations resolutions is the best solution to the dispute. He asked the world to hold India accountable for violating its global obligation on Kashmir and force it to resolve the Kashmir dispute without any further postponement.

APHC leader, Abdul Samad Inqilabi, in a statement in Srinagar condemned that India is victimizing the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir for demanding their internationally-recognized right to self-determination. However, he added that the Kashmiris will continue their struggle till they were given this right.

The Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Freedom League spokesperson, Muhammad Umar, in a statement in Srinagar stated the denial of right to self-determination to the Kashmiris by India had resulted in their continued sufferings for the last several decades. He asked the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, to take notice of the current deteriorating situation in Jammu and Kashmir and invoke the resolutions of 13th August 1948 and 5 January 1949, for holding a fair, free, and impartial plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir, as per the UN resolutions.

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