APHC Slams Continued HR Violations in IIOJK

Fri Aug 18 2023
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SRINAGAR: In a recent gathering held within the Batamaloo vicinity of Srinagar, leaders of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) voiced their resounding condemnation of the persistent instances of human rights violations and intrusive household raids perpetrated by Indian military forces within the region of Indian Illegally-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Expressing deep-seated apprehension concerning the escalating number of human rights violations occurring within the confines of Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, the APHC leaders highlighted the dire ramifications of the unceasing violent actions and loss of life instigated by Indian military operations within the region. These actions, they asserted, impose an existential threat upon the people of Kashmir, who continue to endure the harsh brunt of India’s unrelenting suppression.

Of notable concern to the APHC leaders is the concerted effort to alter the demographic landscape of the region, particularly through the conferment of voting rights to Indian nationals in an area internationally recognized as a disputed territory. This manoeuvre, they contend, constitutes a profound breach of international law and norms.

In characterizing the raids conducted upon the residences of Hurriyat leaders and activists by Indian security personnel, as well as the investigations orchestrated by entities like the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and State Investigation Agency (SIA), the APHC leaders describe these actions as part of a calculated campaign of systematic genocide. They urgently appealed to international human rights organizations to meticulously assess the prevailing circumstances and intervene to curtail the surge of oppression unleashed upon the populace of Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir by occupying forces.

Emphatically asserting that the actions undertaken by the Modi administration on the fateful day of August 5th, 2019, cannot extinguish the fervent plea of the Kashmiri people for their rightful self-determination, the leaders of APHC underscore the perpetual absence of tranquillity in South Asia until the inherent birthright of Kashmiris to determine their own fate is acknowledged and respected.

Meanwhile, Mohammad Huzaif, Chairman of the Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Youth Forum, has vehemently denounced the persistent harassment and intimidation directed towards the Kashmiri youth. He urgently appealed to international human rights organizations to exert pressure upon India for the release of detained Kashmiri Hurriyat leaders and activists, currently languishing within various detention facilities across India and the territory.

As the situation in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir continues to attract international scrutiny, the calls for justice, self-determination, and the upholding of fundamental human rights resonate ever more strongly within the global discourse.




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