Arab-Israeli Actor Charged Over Pro-Palestine Social Media Posts

Tue Oct 31 2023
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NEW YORK: Renowned Arab-Israeli actor, Maisa Abdel Hadi, is facing serious charges, including ‘incitement to terrorism’, for her social media posts expressing support for Palestinian group Hamas, according to justice officials.

Abdel Hadi, 37, known for her roles in various television series, films, and plays, was briefly arrested earlier this month after sharing a picture on her Instagram story depicting an elderly Israeli woman being held hostage in Gaza by the Hamas resistance group. She further implied support for the attack of Hamas by writing, “our youths are good”.

Arab-Israeli Actor Charged

Later, Abdel Hadi posted a picture of a bulldozer breaching the fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel during the attack, captioning it with, “Let’s go Berlin-style,” alluding to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

Additionally, the actor asked friends in a WhatsApp group if they had “heard the good news” about the attack, providing details about the Hamas attack on southern Israel and the abductions.

Charged with ‘incitement to terrorism’, Abdel Hadi’s social media posts, viewed by her 27,000 Instagram followers, were declared to have the potential to incite terror under the current circumstances.

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