Arab League Demands International Intervention to Stop Enforced Disappearances of Palestinian Detainees

Sat Aug 03 2024
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CAIRO: The Arab League has emphasized the urgent need for international intervention to pressure Israeli authorities to end the enforced disappearances of Palestinian prisoners and detainees from the Gaza Strip.

In a statement marking the Day of Solidarity with Prisoners and Detainees, the Arab League called on the global community to reveal the locations and identities of Palestinian detainees, ensure their safety, and hold Israel accountable for their well-being.

The League condemned the severe violations and brutal repression faced by these prisoners in Israeli secret detention centers. They stressed that these actions are a direct result of the Israeli government’s isolation of the Palestinian people amid widespread international indifference.

The Arab League urged international media, as well as human rights organizations, to highlight the inhumane practices of Israel, which include starvation, denial of water, torture, and sexual assault.

These acts are a grave violation of international laws and humanitarian principles, which mandate the humane treatment of detainees.

Since October 7, 2023, Israel has been involved in extensive and unprecedented detention campaigns, leading to the arrest of thousands of Palestinian civilians, including the elderly, women, and children from Gaza, and nearly 10,000 individuals from the West Bank.

The Arab League criticized the techniques of torture used, such as intimidation and execution, and the secrecy surrounding these heinous crimes.

The statement called on the international community, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and human rights institutions to hold Israel accountable and enforce the Geneva Conventions regarding the treatment of prisoners.

It also urged international justice bodies to take a firm stance and address the horrific practices of torture, rape, and forced drugging.

The Arab League demanded an immediate and independent investigation into the detention conditions of all Palestinian prisoners since the start of the Gaza conflict. This investigation should aim to uncover the identities of those killed in detention, hold perpetrators accountable, and seek justice for victims.

The League underscored that ending these practices and achieving Palestinian self-determination and statehood are essential for lasting peace and justice.

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