Arab Nations Praise as Ireland, Norway, Spain Recognize Palestinian State

Wed May 22 2024
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RIYADH: Arab countries, including, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Egypt among others, hailed the decision by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognize a Palestinian state on Wednesday and urged other countries to follow suit.

Dublin, Madrid and Oslo announced they would recognize a Palestinian state next Tuesday, nearly eight months into the devastating Israeli bombardment in Gaza.

Saudi Arabia welcomed the decisions taken by the governments of Norway, Spain, and Ireland to recognize the State of Palestine.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia said in a statement on Wednesday that the Kingdom applauds the recent decisions by Norway, Spain, and Ireland to recognize the State of Palestine.

“The Kingdom commends the positive step taken by these friendly countries, which reflects the international consensus on the inherent right of Palestinians for self-determination,” the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported quoting the statement.

The Kingdom urged other nations to follow suit, emphasizing that such recognition is bound to pave the way for a “reliable and irreversible path toward just lasting peace that upholds Palestinian rights.”

Saudi Arabia reiterated its call to the international community, particularly the remaining permanent members of the UN Security Council, to expedite the recognition of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. “This recognition is crucial for achieving Palestinian rights and a comprehensive peace for all,” the statement added.

Egypt alongside Qatar and the United States, also hailed Wednesday’s move as a “welcome step”.

The announcement supports “international efforts to create a political horizon that can lead to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state”, the Egyptian statement said.

Similarly, Qatar welcomed the announcement as an “important step in support of a two-state solution”, also expressing hope that other countries would do the same.

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretary General Jasem Albudaiwi endorsed the recognition of Palestine by Spain, Ireland, and Norway, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

In a statement, Albudaiwi said this recognition is “a major turning point” for the two-state solution and “a powerful nudge” for other countries to follow suit.

Recognition of Palestine, Albudaiwi argued, would be a key step towards Palestinians finally securing all their rights and living freely, with justice and independence. He said this recognition comes following years of “suffering under Israeli occupation, facing constant injustice and rights violations.”

Albudaiwi called on the international community to play its role in supporting the Palestinian people to obtain the full right to establish their state.

He also reaffirmed the firm stance of the GCC in support of the Palestinian cause and reaching a solution based on ending the Israeli occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has welcomed the decision of the three Western countries to formally recognize the State of Palestine.

The OIC’s statement stated that this important historic step is in line with international law and pertinent United Nations resolutions, thereby advancing the rightful claims of the Palestinian people and elevating Palestine’s status on the global stage.

The OIC commends such declarations that bolster international efforts to end Israel’s longstanding colonial occupation of Palestinian territories since 19967, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and pave the way for justice and liberation for the Palestinian people.

Moreover, the OIC reiterates its appeal to all states yet to extend recognition to Palestine to follow suit and endorse its bid for full United Nations membership. Such actions contribute to international initiatives striving for peace and stability in the region, adhering to the vision of a two-state solution as outlined in relevant international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.

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