Artificial Intelligence to Generate Commentary at European Games

Tue Jun 13 2023
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PARIS: The upcoming European Athletics Team Championships will feature commentary generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI), according to an announcement made by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) on Tuesday.

The AI technology will utilize the cloned voice of British commentator and former athlete Hannah French to transform a 24-hour live blog into an audio stream.

In a statement released by the EBU, French expressed her excitement about collaborating with European Athletics and the EBU to explore the use of AI in delivering additional content to fans, all with a unified voice.

The team athletics event is scheduled to take place from June 20 to 25 in Chorzow, Poland, as part of the multi-sport European Games centered around the city of Krakow.

Test of Artificial Intelligence

The EBU’s press release highlighted the significance of this audio innovation, stating that it will allow Eurovision Sport and European Athletics to test the latest AI technology while demonstrating its effective utilization within a supervised framework. The aim is to provide viewers with more choices in how they follow and engage with their favorite sport.

By integrating AI-generated commentary, the European Games hope to enhance the viewer experience and showcase the potential of this cutting-edge technology. The use of AI in sports broadcasting represents a significant step forward in exploring new ways to engage audiences and provide alternative content formats.

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