Ashrafi Condemns India’s Role in Israeli Attacks Against Palestinians

Tue Feb 13 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, Prime Minister’s Special Representative for Religious Affairs and Pakistani Diaspora in Middle Eastern and Muslim Countries, on Tuesday accused India of complicity in the violence against Palestinians.

Addressing a media conference, Ashrafi said that according to reports, Israel was utilizing Indian-made drones to launch attacks on the innocent people of Rafah, a claim that has stirred global concern.

He condemned the alleged collusion between India and Israel, saying that while India continued to oppress Kashmiris, it was also practically involved in the bloodshed of innocent Palestinian civilians.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) recently convened a special summit to address the Palestine problem, and decided to exert pressure on nations supplying weapons to Israel.

Ashrafi urged Muslim countries to sever financial and economic relations with such nations if they fail to adhere to the OIC’s directives.

Ashrafi Calls for Boycott of Indian Goods

He called for a boycott of Indian goods, similar to the ongoing boycott of Israeli products, in response to India’s alleged complicity in the attacks on Palestinians.

Expressing serious concerns, Ashrafi warned of dire consequences if Rafah continued to be targeted, stressing the potential ripple effects on neighboring Muslim countries.

He cautioned that Israel and India were maneuvering to escalate tensions and push nations towards the brink of a global conflict.

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