Attempts Underway to Bring 1987-Like Situation in IIOJK, Says Mehbooba Mufti

Fri May 17 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) President Mehbooba Mufti on Friday warned that attempts were underway to bring the tumultuous 1987 situation in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, when territory’s trajectory was altered through massive rigging leading to bloodshed.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Mehbooba Mufti, addressing various rallies in north Kashmir’s Baramulla parliamentary constituency, said that the authorities were using old tactics they used in 1987.

She said that the New Delhi-installed IIOJK administration was putting pressure on officers from specific communities to support proxy candidates of BJP fearing a repeat of 1987’s electoral manipulation.

The politician said the head of the administrative affairs in Jammu and Kashmir has summoned officers of a particular community, warning them of serious consequences if they do not support BJP’s proxy candidates in Kashmir.

She added that even today, people are being coerced ahead of elections and they are threatened by a situation reminiscent of 1947.

Mehbooba stressed that today’s youth are voting to express their sufferings, saying that rigging these elections could lead to dangerous outcomes.

She also highlighted the plight of thousands of Kashmiri youth jailed outside IIOJK, whose parents struggle to navigate the legal system.

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