Avoid Excessive Exertion in Hot Weather, Drink Water: Health Experts

Sat Jun 24 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Dr. Arif Mehmood, a health expert, has recommended that people avoid excessive exertion or exercise in hot weather and drink enough water to help beat heat.

He was talking in a private TV programme. He said heat stroke begins as heat exhaustion and can progress to serious heat stroke if not treated within 30 minutes. In response to a question, he said that heat exhaustion causes headaches, arm and leg cramps, heavy sweating, and confusion. He continued to say that the symptoms were the same in children and adults, except that children could also become sleepy.

Dr. Arif said that sprinkling water on the clothing could help in dissipating heat. Light-colored, loose clothing should be worn at this temperature instead of dark, tight clothing to allow for sweating and heat dispersion. Wearing sunscreen with a wide-brimmed hat or cap can also help to protect the face and skin from heat and sun damage.

If you don’t want to wear a hat, he recommends covering your head with a cloth to shield it from the heat. He stated that if someone previously drank 10 to 12 glasses of water, they should double this amount. He added that drinking water, even if you are not thirsty, has a preventive effect on the body. —APP

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