Ayaz Sadiq Lauds US Flood Assistance to Pakistan

Thu Oct 06 2022
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ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq has expressed his gratitude to the United States on its flood relief assistance to Pakistan. Ayaz Sadiq said this in a meeting with Donald Blome, US Ambassador to Pakistan who was called up on the federal minister here on Thursday. Both discussed matters of mutual interest and cooperation.  

The minister appreciated the long-term friendly and cordial relations between the two countries. He said that “we consider the United States as our long-term partner. The government of Pakistan is focused on boosting relationship with the USA.”

He further apprised the ambassador that the government of Pakistan has taken entire NGO community on board for NGO Policy which will be presented in the cabinet soon.  He also stressed the need of expediting the ongoing joint projects and suggested to hold a sperate meeting to discuss the matters in this regard.

Sadiq assured his guest that he is actively looking after all the projects through the platform of National Coordination Committee (NCC) where every day’s progress of all projects is presented.

On the occasion, the ambassador appreciated the cordial bilateral relations and stressed its importance for both nations. He said that “We are more focused on areas including; trade and investment, energy, education and economy. Pakistan has huge potential which needs to be explored.”

The ambassador Blome also extended his condolence over the loss of lives and large-scale destruction caused by the recent devastating floods in Pakistan. Apprising the minister about the flood relief assistance provided by the USA through USAID, he said that USA will assist Pakistan in the climate resilient reconstruction.

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